Hi Nikos,

2010/3/2 Νίκος Αλεξανδρής <nikos.alexand...@felis.uni-freiburg.de>:
> Fortunately or Unfortunately, I am aware of all the things you mention.

> - I've been testing eLyXer since its first days (thanks to Alexander
> again for this nice tool)

Thanks to you!

> - I (also?) believe the best way (currently) is to export (somehow) in
> html and then OOo/abiword -> M$-Word.

To export to Word the best way is IMHO to export using eLyXer with the
--html option:
  $ elyxer --html input.lyx output.html
And then import from Word.

The reason for this --html option is that Word does not like the
default XHTML too much. The same can be said for OpenOffice; I have
had no luck importing from Abiword at all.


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