Hi All,

I think it's really a Lyx bug in fact.
It says that article, book,... are not available but in the LaTeXConfig.lyx 
these layouts are well recognized!
See attached file..., 

the history of my pb :

De : franck.me...@orange-ftgroup.com [mailto:franck.me...@orange-ftgroup.com] 
Envoyé : vendredi 26 février 2010 18:46
À : lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Cc : lyx...@lists.lyx.org
Objet : RE: [help] impossible to use Lyx with miktex 2.8?

I've retried for the 6th time...
Same error : all lyx layouts not available...
Please find attached  the last lyx installation report.
Before I've checked and cleaned all the  register base (Windows XP - FR).
May be it's a problem of the French version?
May be it's a curse problem?
Surely without diagnostic tools inside Lyx I think one cannot find the problem.
I've followed all the instructions people on these list gave to me...
Thanks a lot to all people who tried to help!, but I think may be now it's 
better to give up.
Envoyé : jeudi 25 février 2010 12:31
À : 'lyx-users@lists.lyx.org'
Cc : 'lyx...@lists.lyx.org'
Objet : [help] impossible to use Lyx with miktex 2.8?
It seems impossible to use Lyx 1.6 with miktex 2.8 on my laptop on windows XP.
Each time lyx doesn't recognize the document classes, saying that the layout 
are not available (article, scrbook,...)
I 've tried 5 installations / desintallations of all miktex and Lyx.
I'am administrator on my laptop
I've downloaded all the available latex packages 
I' ve tried to use the standard lyx installer and the alt one.
I've used each time the reconfigure options of lyx..
Some people said it is a known issue in the mailing list archive, OK but what 
is the solution?, I can't find it.
I 'am on this issue for one week, I am becoming a little bit desperate...
More than that I have on another windows XP PC (desktop) an old mikex 2.7 with 
Lyx 1.6 working perfectly well...
But miktex 2.7 is now not available.
I'am going to test Texlive if it is possible.
Frank Meyer.

This message and any attachments (the "message") are confidential and intended 
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Any unauthorised use or dissemination is prohibited.
Messages are susceptible to alteration. 
France Telecom Group shall not be liable for the message if altered, changed or 
If you are not the intended addressee of this message, please cancel it 
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Inventory of your LaTeX configuration

Automatically generated by LyX (do not edit).

This file describes the different LaTeX add-ons that LyX can handle. Below 
you'll find six sections:

1. Some basic details about your LaTeX installation. In particular, you should 
make sure that your version of LaTeX is recent enough.

2. Some common fonts that LyX knows about. This is rather sparse at the moment.

3. The document classes that should be standard on any LaTeX implementation. 
This section is only here for completeness.

4. Some optional document classes that LyX knows about. If one of these is 
marked as missing (the “Found” item is no) and you need its functionality, you 
can grab it at your nearest CTAN ftp site at the location indicated in the 
“CTAN” item. Note that only detected document classes can be selected as 
document layouts in LyX.

5. The packages that have been stamped “required” by the LaTeX maintainers. 
These ones should definitely be present, but you may not have some of them if 
your LaTeX distribution is a bit old.

6. Some packages that LyX uses when you try to change the margins of your 
document. The detection of these items does not yet affect the options 
available inside LyX.

7. Some common LaTeX packages that you might need with LyX, and you might also 
want to add to your LaTeX installation. The detection of these items does not 
yet affect the options available inside LyX.

Note that most of these packages will be available if you use a modern TeX 
distribution such as TeXLive and MiKTeX. If you decide to install one of the 
missing items, you should tell LyX about it. After the installation, please use 
the menu entry Tools->Reconfigure and reload this file to see if the new 
package was recognized. If the “Found” items read “no”, it means that LyX could 
not do the inventory of your LaTeX configuration for some reason. In most 
cases, you only have forgotten to update the file name database (texhash). 
Check the documentation of your LaTeX distribution for how this is done 

1 Fonts

1.1 EC fonts

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: fonts/ec

MM Notes: LaTeX does not require the use of ec fonts, however they are strongly 
recommended. The ec fonts are available in a more natural range of sizes and 
allow better hyphenation and kerning than the old fonts such as cmr10. If you 
already have the so-called dc fonts installed, please upgrade to the ec fonts, 
which replace them. They are used automatically if LyX determines that you have 
them installed.

1.2 Latin Modern

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: fonts/lm/

MM Notes: The Latin Modern fonts are PostScript versions of LaTeX' standard 
font (Computer Modern). They aim to become the default LaTeX font eventually. 
We recommend to use them instead of other PostScript versions of Computer 
Modern (like AE). 

1.3 Almost European (AE)

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: fonts/ae/

MM Notes: The AE package provide virtual PostScript versions of LaTeX' standard 
font (Computer Modern). Unless you rely on special characters, we recommend to 
use Latin Modern instead. 

1.4 Eco

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: fonts/eco/

MM Notes: The eco package is used by LyX to access the old style numerals of 
the Computer Modern font family. 

1.5 psnfss

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/required/psnfss/

MM Notes: The psnfss bundle allows you to change the fonts used by LyX to one 
of the 35 classical fonts available on PostScript printers. Currently, the 
support for psnfss is limited in LyX: you can only chose a few combinations of 
PostScript fonts in Layout->Document.

Different versions of psnfss provide different font packages. Even if LyX 
supports the deprecated packages as well, we recommend that you take care to 
have the newest ones installed. A recent psnfss bundle should at least include:

• avant (Avant Garde). Found: 

• bookman (Bookman). Found: 

• chancery (Zapf Chancery). Found: 

• charter (Charter). Found: 

• courier (Courier). Found: 

• helvet (Helvetica). Found: 

• mathpazo (newest Palatino support). Found: 

• mathpple (deprecated Palatino support). Found: 

• mathptm (deprecated Times support). Found: 

• mathptmx (newest Times support). Found: 

• newcent (New Century Gothic). Found: 

• pifont (Zapf Dingbats). Found: 

• utopia (Utopia). Found: 

1.6 fourier-GUTenberg

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: fonts/fourier-GUT

MM Notes: The fourier package provides support for the Utopia PostScript font. 
Contrary to the utopia package that ships with PSNFSS bundle, it also provides 
suitable math fonts. If this package is installed, it will be used instead of 
utopia if you select the Utopia font.

1.7 CM bright

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: fonts/cmbright

MM Notes: CM bright is a sans serif font that also provides nice sans serif 
math fonts.

1.8 Bera

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: fonts/bera

MM Notes: The bera fonts are a clone of Bitstream Vera, including Bera Serif (a 
slab-serif Roman), Bera Sans (a Frutiger descendant), and Bera Mono 

1.9 Concrete

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/ccfonts/

MM Notes: The ccfonts package provides support for the font that has been 
designed by Donald Knuth for his Concrete Mathematics book, hence called 
concrete fonts.

1.10 LuxiMono

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: fonts/LuxiMono/

MM Notes: The luximono package provides support for the monospaced Luxida Mono 

1.11 tipa/tipx

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: fonts/tipa/

MM Notes: The tipa package provides comprehensive support and fonts for 
typesetting phonetic symbols, as defined in the International Phonetic Alphabet 
(IPA). The input of these symbols is provided by LyX's math editor and via the 
Insert->Special Character->Symbols... dialog.

2 Standard LaTeX document classes

The document classes presented in this section are the basic document classes 
provided by LaTeX. In particular, they are all present on your system as long 
as LaTeX2e is installed. When the text indicates that a particular class has 
not been found, this means the layout file supporting this particular class has 
not been found.

2.1 article

MM Found: 


MM Notes: The standard document class article is used to type articles or short 
texts. It is the basic LaTeX document class.

2.2 report

MM Found: 


MM Notes: The standard document class report is similar to article but is 
slightly more structured (support for different parts).

2.3 book

MM Found: 


MM Notes: The standard document class book is, as its name suggests, intended 
to produce books. It supports in particular sectioning by chapters.

2.4 letter

MM Found: 


MM Notes: The standard document class letter is the basic class for writing 
letters, mostly in English.

2.5 slides

MM Found: 


MM Notes: The standard document class slides is intended to produce 
transparencies. It is not very well supported by LyX. It is advised to use 
foils instead if it is available (see [ssec:foils]).

2.6 amsart

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/required/amslatex/classes/

MM Notes: The document class amsart is an alternative to the class article. It 
is part of the AMS-LaTeX package and is used for typesetting of mathematics 
with a look the American Mathematical Society has developed. They recommend it 
for the preparation of manuscripts intended for publication both in the 
Society's books and journals, and also in other mathematical literature. The 
Society requests that published documents prepared with AMS-LaTeX include an 
acknowledgment of its use. LyX support is still limited.

3 Additional document classes

3.1 aa

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: N/A (available from ftp site ftp.edpsciences.org in directory /pub/aa/)

MM Notes: The document class aa (Version 5.01) can be used to write articles 
for submission to the scientific journal Astronomy and Astrophysicspublished by 
EDP Sciences.

3.2 aastex

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: N/A (available from the American Astronomical Society's ftp site 
ftp.aas.org in directory /pubs)

MM Notes: The document class aastex can be used to write articles for 
submission to the American journals Astrophysical Journal, Astronomical Journal 
and Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.

3.3 AGU Journals

MM Found: , 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/aguplus

MM Notes: The document class jgrga can be used to write articles for the 
Journal of Geophysical Research, published by the American Geophysical Union.

The layout consists of two parts: the general part aguplus.inc, and the journal 
specific part jgrga.layout. It is not very thoroughly tested yet. It would be 
straightforward to extend this to support other publications of the AGU.

The document class agums (file agums.layout) can be used to write articles for 
first-time submission to AGU editors (e. g., for review and copy editing)

3.4 beamer

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/beamer

MM Notes: A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides.

3.5 broadway

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: N/A (must be installed from the tex/ subdirectory of LyX source 

MM Notes: The document class broadway is for writing plays. It is not an 
existing LaTeX document class, but a new one which is distributed with LyX.

3.6 cl2emult

MM Found: 


MM FTP: ftp://ftp.springer.de/pub/tex/latex/compsc/proc/author

MM Notes: The document class cl2emult is for writing multi authored Springer 

3.7 dinbrief

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/dinbrief/

MM Notes: The document class dinbrief can be used to type letters according to 
German conventions.

3.8 docbook

MM Found: 


MM WWW: http://www.sgmltools.org

MM Notes: The document class docbook  is not a LaTeX document class. It is 
designed to produce Docbook SGML documents, which, in turn, can be exported as 
HTML, RTF, text, or dvi (through jadetex). You need the sgmltools v2.0 package 
installed to use this.

3.9 dtk

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: usergrps/dante/dtk/

MM Notes: The document class dtk can be used to write articles for the Journal 
of the German TeX User Group “Die TeXnische Komödie”.

MM WWW: http://www.dante.de

3.10 egs (European Geophysical Society journals)

MM Found: 


MM Notes: The document class egs can be used to write articles for the European 
Geophysical Society.

3.11 elsart

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/elsevier/

MM WWW: http://authors.elsevier.com/

MM Notes: This package is intended for producing journal articles for 
publication by Elsevier Science. 

3.12 entcs

MM Found: 


MM WWW: http://math.tulane.edu/~entcs/

MM Notes: The document class entcs is Elsevier Science's Electronic Notes in 
Theoretical Computer Science article style, used for the ENTCS series, and many 
conference proceedings.

3.13 europecv

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/europecv

MM Notes: The europecv document class is intended to provide curriculum vitaes 
(resumes) according to the official guidelines of the european community 
(europass). It therefore supports the european language self-assessment. An 
example curriculum vitae created using this document class can be found in the 

3.14 extsizes

MM Found: extarticle: , extbook: , extreport: , extletter: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/extsizes/

MM Notes: These document classes are equivalent to the corresponding standard 
classes (article, book, ...) with additional document-wide font sizes.

3.15 foils

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/foiltex/

MM Notes: The document class foils (aka FoilTeX) provides an alternative to the 
standard slides class to make transparencies. It allows cross references, uses 
a less ugly font, and is in general much better to use than slides. It does not 
however have some of the advanced features found in the seminar class, which is 
not currently supported by LyX. Note that, due to its somewhat restrictive 
license, it is not included in free TeX distributions like teTeX.

3.16 g-brief-en

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/g-brief/

MM Notes: The document class g-brief-en can be used to type commercial letters 
with a nice outfit.

3.17 g-brief-de

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/g-brief/

MM Notes: The document class g-brief-de is the same as the above g-brief-en 
only with german labels.

3.18 g-brief2

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/g-brief/

MM Notes: The document class g-brief2 can be used to type commercial letters 
with a nice outfit. It's the successor of g-brief, its better configurable, but 
not backward compatible to g-brief. A template document using this document 
class is shipped with LyX.

3.19 hollywood

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: N/A (must be installed from the tex/ subdirectory of LyX source 

MM Notes: The document class hollywood can be used to type spec scripts for the 
U.S. film industry. It is not an existing LaTeX document class, but a new one 
which is distributed with LyX.

3.20 IEEEtran

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/

MM Notes: The class IEEEtran produces documents suitable for submission to most 
of the IEEE Transactions. You should consult the IEEE Author Information pages 
at http://www.ieee.org if you intend to use this class. Note that there are 
both IEEEtran.cls and IEEEtran.sty files. You must get the .cls file for use 
with LyX as the .sty file is for LaTeX 2.09 only. Also note that if your 
ieeetran.cls is in lowercase like this example LyX will not find it and you 
should upgrade to a newer version which has IEEE in capitals.

3.21 ijmpc

MM Found: 


MM WWW: available from the site 

MM Notes: The document class ijmpc can be used to write articles for submission 
to the International Journal of Modern Physics C (usually abbreviated as 
IJMPC), published by World Scientific.

3.22 ijmpd

MM Found: 


MM WWW: available from the site 

MM Notes: The document class ijmpd can be used to write articles for submission 
to the International Journal of Modern Physics D (usually abbreviated as 
IJMPD), published by World Scientific.

3.23 iopart

MM Found: 


MM WWW: available from the site ftp://ftp.iop.org/pub/journals/latex2e.

MM Notes: The document class iopart can be used to write articles for the 
journal published by the Institute of Physics (IOP).

3.24 Japanese standard classes

MM Found: jreport: , jbook: , tarticle: , treport: , tbook: 

MM CTAN: install/language/japanese/ptex.tds.zip

MM Notes: These document classes provide different versions of the base LaTeX 
document classes article, report and book. They are modified to suit Japanese 
writing. Classes beginning with “t-” should be used for traditional vertical 

3.25 Japanese new standard classes

MM Found: jsarticle: , jsbook: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/jsclasses/

MM Notes: These document classes provide different versions of the base LaTeX 
document classes article, report and book with better look for Japanese 
typesettings. Equivalence of the report class can be obtained by using the 
jsbook class with option “report”.

3.26 jss

MM Found: 


MM WWW: available from http://www.jstatsoft.org/downloads/JSSstyle.zip.

MM Notes: The document class jss can be used to write articles for the Journal 
of Statistical Software (JSS).

3.27 kluwer

MM Found: 


MM WWW: available from the Kluwer Academic Publishers site 

MM Notes: The document class kluwer can be used to write articles for 
submission to the journals published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, such as 
Astrophysics and Space Science, Solar Physics and many others (see a full list 
at http://www.wkap.nl/jrnllist.htm/JRNLHOME).


3.28 KOMA-Script

MM Found: scrartcl: , scrreprt: , scrbook: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/koma-script/

MM Notes: These document classes provide different versions of the base LaTeX 
document classes article, report and book. They have been changed to look 
somewhat better and be more adapted to european typesetting standards.

3.29 KOMA-Script letter

MM Found: scrlettr: , scrlttr2: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/koma-script/

MM Notes: These letter classes are bundled with the Koma-Script classes (see 
[sub:Koma-Script]). LyX provides layouts for both the old (now unsupported) 
scrlettr class and the new, much more flexible scrlttr2 class, which was 
introduced with Koma-Script version 2.9 (released 2002-06-21).

3.30 latex8

MM Found: 


MM Notes: The class latex8 is actually a LaTeX style file that adds some extra 
features to the article document class. It produces documents suitable for 
submission to IEEE Conferences. The LaTeX files (including BibTeX style file) 
are distributed with the Author Kit for IEEE sponsored conferences.

3.31 linuxdoc

MM Found: 


MM Notes: The class linuxdoc is not a LaTeX document class. It is designed to 
produce LinuxDoc-SGML documents, which, in turn, can be exported as HTML, RTF, 
text or... LaTeX. You need to have the sgml-tools (previously known as 
LinuxDoc) set of programs installed to use this. 

3.32 llncs

MM Found: 


MM Notes: The document class llncs can be used to write articles for submission 
to the Springer journal “Lecture Notes in Computer Science”. LaTeX documents 
are available from Springer's ftp site on the following 

The LyX layout file for this document class is still insufficiently tested.

3.33 memoir

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/memoir/

MM Notes: memoir is a flexible class for typesetting general fiction, 
non-fiction and mathematical works as books, reports, articles or manuscripts. 
Documents can use 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 or 17pt as the normal font size. Many 
methods are provided to let you create your own particular design.

3.34 moderncv

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/moderncv

MM Notes: The moderncv document class is intended to provide nice looking 
curriculum vitae (resume). It provides bibliography support (useful for 
academics). An example curriculum vitae created using this document class can 
be found in the examples.

3.35 mwcls (mwart, mwbk, mwrep)

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/mwcls/

MM Notes: These document classes provide different versions of the base LaTeX 
document classes article, report and book. They have been adapted to polish 
typesetting standards by Marcin Wolinski.

3.36 paper

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/paper/

MM Notes: The document class paper provides an alternative to the standard 
article class. It provides similar functionality, but you might prefer this 
layout with sans serif sections, headings, and more.

3.37 powerdot

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/powerdot

MM Notes: A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides.

3.38 SPIE

MM Found: 


MM WWW: http://public.lanl.gov/kmh/spie/

MM Notes: spie.cls is a LaTeX class for submissions to the Proceedings of  
SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering.More info on submitting 
a manuscript can be found at the SPIE website 

3.39 REVTeX

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex209/contrib/revtex/

MM Notes: This class, which used the REVTeX 3 class, has been superseded by the 
revtex4 class, so you should use that instead. (Old revtex class documents 
should be pretty easy to change to the new class.) If you have to use this 
class for some reason, you should use the file revtex.cls from the tex/ 
subdirectory of LyX source distribution.

3.40 REVTeX 4

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/revtex/

MM Notes: REVTeX 4 is a class used for submitting manuscripts to journals 
including APS (Physical Review A-E and Letters, Reviews in Modern Physics, 
Special Topics---Accelerators and Beams), the American Institute of Physics, 
the Optical Society of America, and the Society for Exploration Geophysicists. 
Also see http://publish.aps.org/revtex4/.


MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/siam/siamltex.tar

MM Notes: The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania, wants to ensure quality typesetting according to SIAM style 
standards by providing this LaTeX style.

3.42 simplecv

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/simplecv

MM Notes: The simplecv document class is intended to provide a simple yet 
elegant way to write your curriculum vitae (resume). It is rather minimalist, 
but has nice features like bibliography support (useful for academics). This is 
a repackaging of the cv class that has been available with LyX for a long time. 
The change of name has been made necessary by the existence of another cv class 
on CTAN. An example curriculum vitae created using this document class can be 
found in the examples.

3.43 Springer Unspecific Journal

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/springer/svjour/global

MM WWW: http://www.springeronline.com

MM Notes: Svglobal is a format suitable for publication in a Springer journal 
for which a specific style is not provided; i. g., if the journal author 
guidelines at the above Springer site suggest using the svglobal style.  The 
corresponding documentclass files and associated material can be found on the 
Springer site. The layout consists of two parts: svjour.inc (which is generic 
for all Springer journals) and svglobal.layout, which includes svjour.inc and 
is the default style for any Springer Journal without any specific style. You 
can write your own sv<journal>.layout to support any other Springer journals 
(hint, hint!). Note that you need to specify the global extra documentclass 
option which is included in the class defaults.

3.44 Springer Journal of Geodesy

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/springer/svjour/jog

MM WWW: http://www.springeronline.com

MM Notes: svjog is for the journal formats used by Springer Verlag, in 
particular that of Journal of Geodesy. It is not very well tested yet. For more 
information, see section [svglobal].

3.45 Springer Probability Theory and Related Fields

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/springer/svjour/prothe

MM WWW: http://www.springeronline.com

MM Notes: svprobth is a format suitable for publication in the journal 
Probability Theory and Related Fields. For more information, see section 

3.46 Springer Monographs

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: ftp://ftp.springer.de/pub/tex/latex/svmonogl/

MM WWW: http://www.springeronline.com

MM Notes: svmono is for monographs published by Springer Verlag. Please look at 
the template for the structure of the monograph.

3.47 Springer Contributed Books

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: ftp://ftp.springer.de/pub/tex/latex/svmultgl/

MM WWW: http://www.springeronline.com

MM Notes: svmult is for contributed books published by Springer Verlag. Please 
look at the templates for the structure of the book.

3.48 TUGboat

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: plain/contrib/tugboat.tar

MM Notes: The document class ltugboat can be used to write articles for the 
Journal of the TeX User Group “TUGboat”.

MM WWW: http://www.tug.org

3.49 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

MM Found 


MM Notes: isprs can be used for writing articles for this Society's journals.

MM WWW: http://www.photogrammetry.ethz.ch/tarasp_workshop/isprs.cls

4 Required packages

This section contains packages which have been declared as “required” by the 
LaTeX maintainers. You should really consider upgrading your LaTeX setup if one 
of them is not detected.

4.1 array

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/required/tools/

MM Notes: The package array is needed by LyX to be able to output vertical 
alignment other then ''top'' for tabulars.

4.2 babel

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/required/babel/

MM Notes: The package babel allows you to customize your document for your 
favorite language (see the Document->Settings...->Language popup). In 
particular, it handles hyphenation and automatic translation of all labels like 
“Chapter”  and “Table of contents”. This package is not needed if you only plan 
to write in English, except if you want to use non-English quotes.

Your LaTeX installation has hyphenation patterns for the following languages: .

If a language you use is not on this list, you should reconfigure your LaTeX 
installation to include it. For teTeX, this means running texconfig.

4.3 bm

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/required/tools/

MM Notes: The bm package defines commands to access bold math symbols. The 
basic command is \bm which makes its argument bold. The argument may be any 
math object from a single symbol to an expression. If available, ultra bold 
fonts can be accesed through the \hm command (aliased to \heavysymbol). The \bm 
command is similar to the amsmath \boldsymbol command, but the bm version is 
rather more careful in the way it does things. Be aware that this package 
allocates symbol fonts for bold fonts into the normal math version, such that, 
when using other packages that allocate many symbol fonts, they can be 
exhausted. In this case, one can make do with the \boldsymbol command.

4.4 booktabs

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/booktabs/

MM Notes: The package booktabs is needed by LyX to be able to output correctly 
formal tables.

4.5 color

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/required/graphics/

MM Notes: The package color is needed by LyX to handle colored text. These 
colors will not show in the DVI preview window, but will be correct on the 
printed output or with a PostScript previewer. This package is bundled with the 
graphics package.

4.6 graphicx

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/required/graphics/

MM Notes: The package graphicx is needed by LyX to insert PostScript figures 
(using the new graphics inset). You will also need ghostscript to see them on 

4.7 hyperref

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/hyperref/

MM Notes: The package hyperref is needed by LyX to be able to set PDF 
properties for your document and to create hyperlinks.

4.8 longtable

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/required/tools/

MM Notes: The package longtable is needed by LyX to be able to output correctly 
multipage tables.

4.9 amstext

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/required/amslatex/math/

MM Notes: The package amstext is needed by LyX to correctly size unicode 
symbols used as super or subscripts in math.


4.10 textcomp

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/unpacked/textcomp.sty

MM Notes: The package textcomp is needed by LyX to output some special symbols 
like the EURO currency sign. The package is part of the LaTeX base distribution 
and should already be installed on your system.

4.11 varioref

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/required/tools/

MM Notes: The package varioref introduces some commands to generate references 
with an information about the page of the referred label.

5 Paper layout packages

Changing the margins of a document is one thing people like to do. While LaTeX 
offers built-in options to set the margins of the documents, some people feel 
that these margins are too large and want to set them up differently. You can 
use the package geometry for this purpose, but note that for the sake of 
readability, your lines should not contain more than 60-70 characters.

5.1 geometry

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/geometry/

MM Notes: The package geometry allows to change the paper size and margins of 
your document in an arbitrary way. It does not provide a typographically 
correct page layout like a4 or the standard options, though.

6 Packages required by modules

6.1 endnotes

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/misc/endnotes.sty

MM Notes: The package endnotes is needed by several modules to place footnotes 
at the end of sections, that are then so called endnotes.

6.2 Linguistics module

6.2.1 covington

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/covington/

MM Notes: The package covington provides some environments and commands useful 
for linguistics, such as numbered examples and glosses.

6.2.2 csquotes

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/csquotes/

MM Notes: The package csquotes provides context-sensitive quotation marks that 
adapt to the conventions of the actual document language. It is used by the 
Linguistics module for the character style Meaning.

6.2.3 enumitem

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/enumitem/

MM Notes: The package enumitem provides many possibilities to tweak the 
appaerance of lists (enumerate, itemize, description). It is used by the 
Linguistics module to fine tune the appearance of numbered subexamples.

6.3 Braille module

6.3.1 braille

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/braille/

MM Notes: The package braille makes it possible to typeset Braille, a character 
system for blind people.

7 Other packages

7.1 accents

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/bezos/

MM Notes: The package accents is needed by LyX to correctly typeset unicode 
symbols with under accents in math.

7.2 algorithm

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/algorithms/

MM Notes: The package algorithm is needed by LyX to be able to output 
“algorithm” floats. These are useful in placing short algorithms across 
pagebreaks and support an “index of algorithms” too.

7.3 bibtopic

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/bibtopic/

MM Notes: The package bibtopic is used to split BibTeX created bibliographies 
into sections.

7.4 CJKutf8

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: language/chinese/CJK/

MM Notes: The package CJKutf8 (part of the CJK bundle) merges base LaTeX's and 
CJK's UTF-8 support. It is needed to produce proper output with the combination 
of CJK, utf-8 encoding, and hyperref.

7.5 dvipost

MM Found: 

MM URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/dvipost/

MM Notes: dvipost is a post-processor for DVI files created by LaTeX and TeX. 
It is needed by LyX to generate DVI or Postscript output of change tracking 
marks. To work properly, dvipost needs teTeX version 2 or newer.

7.6 esint

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/esint/

MM Notes: The package esint is used to typeset mathematical integral signs. The 
most commonly used integral signs can be typeset without this package, but they 
do not always look consistent, since they come from different fonts. The esint 
package offers a consistent look of all integral symbols, and more advanced 
integrals such as the triple integral \iiint.

7.7 fancybox

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/fancybox/

MM Notes: The package fancybox is needed to draw frames around boxes (menu 

7.8 fancyhdr

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/fancyhdr/

MM Notes: The package fancyhdr (previously known as fancyheadings) is used when 
you select the “fancy” page style in the document layout popup. It provides 
alternate headers and footers to your pages.

7.9 ifthen

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/base/ifthen/

MM Notes: The package ifthen provides conditional commands (if ... then ... 
else) for LaTeX documents. This functionality is needed by some classes and 

7.10 japanese

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: language/japanese/japanese/

MM Notes: The babel japanese option is needed by LyX to be able to output 
section headings and dates in Japanese when the document language is 
“Japanese”. To use this option, the Japanese TeX system pTeX (CTAN: 
language/japanese/ptex/) is required.

7.11 jurabib

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/jurabib/

MM Notes: The package jurabib (http://www.jurabib.org) can be used as an 
alternative to natbib, to get flexible bibliographic styles with LyX. It 
supports cite styles which are common in human sciences and law studies, 
footcites, ibidems, and more. You'll need to have jurabib version 0.6 at least.

7.12 listings

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/listings/

MM Notes: The package listings is used by LyX to display program listings 
(source code snippets). It supports many program languages, syntax 
highlighting, line numbers, etc.

7.13 mhchem

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/mhchem/

MM Notes: The package mhchem is needed by LyX to produce chemical formulas and 
reaction equations in math.

7.14 natbib

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/natbib/

MM Notes: The package natbib is needed by LyX to produce a flexible interface 
to most of the available bibliographic styles (you can also use jurabib 

7.15 nicefrac

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/units/

MM Notes: The package nicefrac is needed by LyX to create fractions in text 
size (like “3/5”).

7.16 nomencl

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/nomencl/

MM Notes: The package nomencl is needed by LyX to produce a nomenclature.

7.17 pdfpages

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/pdfpages

MM Notes: The package pdfpages is used by LyX to include multi-page PDF files 
via Insert->File->External Material.

7.18 prettyref

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/prettyref

MM Notes: The package prettyref provides a command to identify reference labels 
by a prefix. LyX uses labels in the form “sec:mysection” and prettyref 
interprets the "sec:" part.

7.19 preview

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/preview

MM Notes: The package preview is needed by LyX to preview LaTeX constructs; 
especially for math formulas when you use the option ``Instant Preview'' in 
Tools->Preferences->Look and feel->Graphics.

7.20 rotating

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/rotating

MM Notes: The package rotating is needed by LyX to change the orientation of 
some parts of your documents. Note that it only really works with a PostScript 
compatible printer.

7.21 rotfloat

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/rotfloat

MM Notes: The package rotfloat is needed by LyX to rotate floats sideways. Note 
that it only really works with a PostScript compatible printer.

7.22 slashed

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/carlisle/

MM Notes: The package slashed is needed by LyX to correctly typeset unicode 
symbols with slashes in math.

7.23 subfig

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/subfig

MM Notes: The package subfig is used by LyX to produce subfloats (i. e., 
subfigures, subtables, etc.). Subfloats are floats that are embedded inside 
other floats and that can have individual subcaptions.

7.24 setspace

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/setspace/

MM Notes: The package setspace is needed by LyX to change the line spacing of 
your document.

7.25 ulem

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/misc/

MM Notes: The package ulem provides various types of underlining, striking 
through and emphasizing that can stretch between words and be broken across 
lines. It is needed by LyX to output struck out text in change tracked 
documents to PDF.

7.26 units

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/units/

MM Notes: The package units is needed by LyX to properly typeset units in 

7.27 url

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/misc/url.sty

MM Notes: The package url is needed by LyX to be able to output url's corrently.

7.28 wrapfig

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/wrapfig/

MM Notes: The package wrapfig is used by LyX if you insert text wrap floats 
(menu Insert->Float). It allows you to create a figure float which is narrower 
than the full page and wrap the text around it.

7.29 xargs

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/xargs/

MM Notes: The package xargs is used by LyX if you insert math macros with 
optional arguments.

7.30 xcolor

MM Found: 

MM CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/xcolor

MM Notes: The package xcolor provides advanced color features that are not 
covered by LaTeX's standard color package. LyX uses it to output colored change 
tracking marks.

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