
I've retried for the 6th time...
Same error : all lyx layouts not available...
Please find attached  the last lyx installation report.
Before I've checked and cleaned all the  register base (Windows XP - FR).
May be it's a problem of the French version?
May be it's a curse problem?

Surely without diagnostic tools inside Lyx I think one cannot find the problem.
I've followed all the instructions people on these list gave to me...
Thanks a lot to all people who tried to help!, but I think may be now it's 
better to give up.


Envoyé : jeudi 25 février 2010 12:31
À : 'lyx-users@lists.lyx.org'
Cc : 'lyx...@lists.lyx.org'
Objet : [help] impossible to use Lyx with miktex 2.8?


It seems impossible to use Lyx 1.6 with miktex 2.8 on my laptop on windows XP.
Each time lyx doesn't recognize the document classes, saying that the layout 
are not available (article, scrbook,...)
I 've tried 5 installations / desintallations of all miktex and Lyx.
I'am administrator on my laptop
I've downloaded all the available latex packages 
I' ve tried to use the standard lyx installer and the alt one.
I've used each time the reconfigure options of lyx..
Some people said it is a known issue in the mailing list archive, OK but what 
is the solution?, I can't find it.
I 'am on this issue for one week, I am becoming a little bit desperate...

More than that I have on another windows XP PC (desktop) an old mikex 2.7 with 
Lyx 1.6 working perfectly well...
But miktex 2.7 is now not available.

I'am going to test Texlive if it is possible.

Frank Meyer.

Frank Meyer
France Telecom R&D/TECH/ASAP(LD128)
2 avenue Pierre Marzin 22307 Lannion Cedex 
E-mail : franck.me...@orange-ftgroup.com
Telephone : +33 (0)2 96 05 28 89

This message and any attachments (the "message") are confidential and intended 
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Any unauthorised use or dissemination is prohibited.
Messages are susceptible to alteration. 
France Telecom Group shall not be liable for the message if altered, changed or 
If you are not the intended addressee of this message, please cancel it 
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+Inspection done.
+Read the file doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx for more information.
+checking list of modules...
C:/Program Files/LyX 1.6.5/bin/../Resources\layouts\braille.module
C:/Program Files/LyX 1.6.5/bin/../Resources\layouts\endnotes.module
C:/Program Files/LyX 1.6.5/bin/../Resources\layouts\eqs-within-sections.module
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LyX: Terminé !
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