2010/2/25 <franck.me...@orange-ftgroup.com>

> Hi,
> It seems impossible to use Lyx 1.6 with miktex 2.8 on my laptop on
> windows XP.

Possible - two PCs having MikTex 2.8 and Lyx 1.6.4 - working, one migrated
from 2.7 to 2.8

> Each time lyx doesn't recognize the document classes, saying that the
> layout are not available (article, scrbook,...)

First: Did you removed you personalized LyX folder where some setting are
stored? They are not removed when you uninstall LyX... I think similar issue
is with MikTeX, but this does seem to break anything.

> I 've tried 5 installations / desintallations of all miktex and Lyx.

Above comment still valid.

> I'am administrator on my laptop

Very good.

> I've downloaded all the available latex packages

What for?

> I' ve tried to use the standard lyx installer and the alt one.

Does the second one is able to install MikTex itself?

> I've used each time the reconfigure options of lyx..
> Some people said it is a known issue in the mailing list archive, OK but
> what is the solution?, I can't find it.
> I 'am on this issue for one week, I am becoming a little bit
> desperate...
> More than that I have on another windows XP PC (desktop) an old mikex
> 2.7 with Lyx 1.6 working perfectly well...
> But miktex 2.7 is now not available.
> I'am going to test Texlive if it is possible.
Usage on Texlive on window is deprecated. Please concentrate on MikTeX. You
problem is probably cause by fact you previously have MikTex 2.7 on your
computer and your personal LyX setting points to wrong directories. I had
that issue once. Sometime manual running of configuration script is helpful
as it drops error messages what could not be find.

Try to:
A. Chek you paths in LyX settings.
B. Remove you personalized lyx directory from your users profile directory

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