On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 8:32 AM, j...@att <john.feez...@att.net> wrote:
> This is my first attempt to post to the list so if it is incorrect, please 
> let me know.
> I'm attempting to compile Lyx 2.0 on my MacBook Pro.  I used port to get 
> what's indicated in INSTALL.MacOSX.
> ./configure worked ok.
> ====
> Configuration of LyX was successful.
> Type 'make' to compile the program,
> and then 'make install' to install it.
> ====
> When I do make I get the following result.  Any suggestions about how to 
> proceed?
> ====
> Undefined symbols:

This looks to me like you didn't do the last step of the instructions
for compiling Qt4: find the qt4 lib directory and enter

rm *.la

(You might need "sudo rm *.la" depending on where you installed Qt4.)

If I'm right that you didn't do that, you'll need to do "make clean"
and reconfigure.


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