I read the section on figures and tables in the KOMA-Script manual without seeing just how to change the default "Figure n: " to "Map n: " preceeding the captions. Please pass me a clue on how to do this.
On page 108 I read: "It was already mentioned that \captionformat does not contain formatting for the label itself. This situation should under no circumstances be changed using redefinitions of the commands for the output of counters, \thefigure or \thetable. Such a redefinition would have unwanted side effects on the output of \ref or the table of contents, list of figures and list of tables. To deal with the situation, KOMA-Script offers two \...format commands instead. These are predefined as follows: "\newcommand*{\figureformat}{\figurename~\thefigure\autodot} "\newcommand*{\tableformat}{\tablename~\thetable\autodot} "They also can be adapted to your personal preferences with \renewcommand." So, do I write "\newcommand*{\figureformat}{\mapname}~\thefigure\autodot}"? Rich