On 09/02/2009 08:58 AM, Alessio Maria Braccini wrote:
Hi to all,
I am using LyX for Mac and I use BibDesk to store bibliography. I would like to insert references into a LyX document directly from BibDesk so I have succesfully inserted the bibliography into the document I am working on. I am using apalike2 as citation style (because I want the surname year citation format). Everything works fine, I have just one small problem. My system (and LyX as well), is in Italian, while I am writing and english document. In each and every reference that has two authors, I get a reference fomatted in this way:

(Surname1 e Surname2, year)

while I would like to have:

(Surname1 and Surname2, year)

There must be some problems linked to the language settings because the "e" is the italian word for "and". I have checked and the language of my document is set to english. What shall I do to force the "e" to and "and"?

Are you getting this in LyX or in the output?


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