* Manveru wrote, On 02/09/09 09:18:
> 2009/9/2 Delta moins <deltamo...@yahoo.fr>:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I'm registred to this mailing list for few weeks and I'm very surprised 
>> about one thing : there is no keyword in the mail subject that tell people 
>> "this comes from the Lyx users list". It's very messing because you cannot 
>> filter the mails efficiently. In addition sometimes, mail subject is not so 
>> easy to link with Lyx so organising the mail box is not so easy.
>> I don't know if it should be done automaticaly by the list system or if 
>> people that send mail should add something like I've done for example 
>> manually.
>> It's a pity because informations in the mails are often very interesting :-)
>> It was just a remark to improve this list.
> Just sort or filter your e-mails by From: field from header of your
> mails. All e-mail clients support this. At least all good e-mail
> clients.

Your message has:

From: "Manveru" <manv...@manveru.pl>

which is not helpful.

I'm currently sorting based on To: or Cc: having lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
which sadly also selects messages that were emailed to me.

I'll have to have my sorting rules like this:

1. sort all list-id mailing lists
2. select all messages To: or Cc: me
3. sort all To: Cc: mailing lists

and that still won't catch Bcc messages to me (or Lyx).

So I just sort based on to or cc and swear and cuss from time to time
about the Lyx mailing list not supporting list-id header; and generally
fail to notice messages also sent directly to me as it's a thread I'm
involved in.


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