I would like to use journal abbreviations in my reference list. I know, Jabref is having this option (manage journal abbreviations); I have, however, difficulties in getting it to work. Could somebody who used it already give me a hint? The explanation in jabref is beyond me (e.g. personal Journal list, external files, where and how to insert the journal list from JabRef)
There are actually 2 tasks: - use abbreviations - make sure the various kinds of writing of the same journal end up in the same abbreviation e.g.: citation 1 uses AJP citation 2 uses AJP citation 3 Am.J.Phys. citation 4 Am. J. Phys. (space!) citation 5 Am. J. Physiol. citation 6 Am. J. Physiology citation 7 American Journal of Physiology should all have finally Am. J. Physiol. It would be nice to mark the citations in my Jabref file who use the same journal and tell jabref to put the correct abbreviation to all those. I have the feeling, this is implemented in Jabref, but can't get it to work. Wolfgang