Uwe Stöhr wrote:
I tested the update installer now again on 3 different machines and
cannot reproduce the problem. I guess what you see can only occur when
you once have installed LyX using the standard installer and then used
the update installer.
So to avoid further problems, can you please try to:
- uninstall LyX 1.6 _completely_
- reinstall LyX 1.6.2 using the small or complete version of my
alternative installer
- use the update installer for LyX 1.6.3
Does it then work?
thanks in advance and regards
Hi, Uwe.
I took hours to do the whole fresh installation steps, and as you said,
the "path" can be updated correctly. I apologize that you have tested
for me, that takes you time. I appreciate your help very much!
But I still have some installation problems. I have take many screen
shot images, so I think it is better to create a web page.
There are two major problems.
1, configure problem when installation.
2, default tex encoding.
You can see the whole steps and the screen shot in:
I do suggest the developers of Lyx can consider them.
Thanks very much!