asm23 schrieb:
Hi, I use the alternative package
to update my 1.6.2 version.
After updating, I found that in "Lyx preference -> paths", it is still
D:\Program Files\LyX 1.6.2\bin;d:\Program Files\MiKTeX
2.7\miktex\bin;D:\Program Files\LyX 1.6.2\etc\ImageMagick;D:\Program
Files\LyX 1.6.2\etc\Metafile2eps
I tested the update installer now again on 3 different machines and cannot reproduce the problem. I
guess what you see can only occur when you once have installed LyX using the standard installer and
then used the update installer.
So to avoid further problems, can you please try to:
- uninstall LyX 1.6 _completely_
- reinstall LyX 1.6.2 using the small or complete version of my alternative
- use the update installer for LyX 1.6.3
Does it then work?
thanks in advance and regards