On א', 2009-03-22 at 00:34 -0500, David Romano wrote:
> I wasn't sure if Micha sent this to you separately, too, so I thought I'd 
> forward it -- sorry if you've already received it (and possibly many times 
> from people who had the same idea as me)!

Thank you, David. You were the only one with this idea!
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 02:04:34 +0200
> From: Micha Feigin <mi...@post.tau.ac.il>
> To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
> Subject: Re: LyX, LaTeX, Unicode, Hebrew and the Pondering Me
> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 22:43:43 +0200
> Shahar Or <sha...@shahar-or.co.il> wrote:
> > Dear Lyx Users,
> >
> > I'm not a TeX user.
> >
> > I've installed Ubuntu's 1.5.6 and some Hebrew related LaTeX packages and
> > got to writing a document right away.
> >
> Lyx 1.6.1 at least if not 1.6.2 is already out, probably worth upgrading

Upgraded to 1.6.1. Doesn't have that silly clown anymore!
> > There's one thing I'm curious about; why is this software, when I
> > configure it for writing documents in Hebrew, uses Latin9 and cp1255?
> > cp1255 is an MS Windows encoding which I've never seen used by default
> > in any Free Software.
> >
> > Also, I'd like to know, please, why isn't LyX using UTF-8 as a default
> > encoding? When I write my document in Hebrew and I want to throw in a
> > word in English, do I really have to go
> > "\inputencoding{Latin9}\L{something}\inputencoding{cp1255}" in the
> > middle of my otherwise quite sane flow of writing?
> >
> This is a latex limitation as latex doesn't support utf8. You can use xetex
> which knows utf8 but it's not easy yet with lyx (actually can be done
> relatively easily but not in a clear way). On the other hand, even with xetex
> and utf8, latex needs to know the directionality of the text. If you use xetex
> and don't change the language officially, each word by itself is going to be 
> in
> the right direction and language, but the words in the sentence are going to 
> be
> reversed.

I'm curious to know whether support for XeTeX in LyX is being worked on.
Does anyone know?

Would bringing UTF-8 to LaTeX break anything?
> Actually, input encoding is a lyx issue but it's due to the encoding of the
> actual text that lyx uses. AFAIK cp1255 is mostly compatible with iso-8859-8,
> not sure about the logical vs visual directionality though
> As for "\inputencoding{Latin9}\L{something}\inputencoding{cp1255}", you don't
> input it yourself, you let lyx do it. If you setup lyx properly, changing the
> language is just an issue of pressing f12 (or whatever you assigned to it)

Good to know. In my Desktop F12 is assigned to Guake. I guess this is
why the "language" shortcut under "Cursor, mouse and editing options"
doesn't have a key assigned to it. I've assigned Alt+L to it but it
doesn't seem to do anything when I click it and the English words that I
type after clicking it are still ordered RTL.
> > I am also not a software developer.
> >
> > Many blessings!
> >
> > (not subscribed to list)
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