Dear Lyx Users,

I'm not a TeX user.

I've installed Ubuntu's 1.5.6 and some Hebrew related LaTeX packages and
got to writing a document right away.

There's one thing I'm curious about; why is this software, when I
configure it for writing documents in Hebrew, uses Latin9 and cp1255?
cp1255 is an MS Windows encoding which I've never seen used by default
in any Free Software.

Also, I'd like to know, please, why isn't LyX using UTF-8 as a default
encoding? When I write my document in Hebrew and I want to throw in a
word in English, do I really have to go
"\inputencoding{Latin9}\L{something}\inputencoding{cp1255}" in the
middle of my otherwise quite sane flow of writing?

I am also not a software developer.

Many blessings!

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