On Saturday 21 February 2009 09:46:36 rgheck wrote:
> Stefano Franchi wrote:
> > So what's the best way to have both a debug-enabled and a
> > plain vanilla lyx installed?
> Don't install the debug version. You can run it from where you compiled
> it. I just use a little script:
> > #!/bin/bash
> > USERDIR=/home/rgheck/dev/lyxdirs/lyxbranch/
> > if [ -e $USERDIR/.lyxpipe.in ]; then rm $USERDIR/.lyxpipe.*; fi
> > /cvs/lyx16/src/lyx -userdir $USERDIR $*  -geometry 1024x1024+100+100;
> > if [ -f $OFFENDER ]; then rm $OFFENDER; fi
> saved as "lyx16" to run the debug-enabled version.
> rh

I didn't make myself clear, I am afraid. What I meant was:

I never installed the debuge-enabled binary, I am running ot fromt the src 
subdir in the lys-src directory. But I am not sure (see previous messages) if 
the previously installed LyX version is or is not debug-enabled. So I want to 
reinstall it from scratch. Two options:

1.  I have to redownload the sources, unpack them in another dir, conf/make/ 

2. I can just take the debug-enabled compiled  lyx binary out of the existing 
source tree, make clean, re-cong, / make / install


Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy          Ph:  (979) 862-2211
Texas A&M University              Fax: (979) 845-0458
305B Bolton Hall                  fran...@philosophy.tamu.edu
College Station, TX 77843-4237

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