Dear Dominik,

thank you for your reply.

I´ve had biblatex-dw installed in that folder before, and did it again
now – with the same results. But I tried to get a minimal-sample now,
and there it seems, that biblatex-dw is not able to find my
bibliography. I entered this line, which worked fine without biblatex-

Is this line in the preamble?

Yes, I have entered that line in the latex-preamble. Anyhow, Lyx seems not to find my reference-file… when I try to insert a new citation from "einfügen" (add?) -> "literaturverzeichnis" (index) I get a window with no entries.

Different from 'normal' BibTeX, biblatex
needs this line to be in the preamble. The bibliography will be printed
with the command \printbibliography which you have to give in ERT.

I have also done that. Everything worked fine, before I´ve chosen biblatex-dw as citation style, the standard-styles work fine. I also added this line:

and I have disabled this one, with which I worked before trying to use biblatex-dw: %\usepackage[natbib=true,bibstyle=authortitle,citestyle=authoryear] {biblatex}

See the biblatex manual for details on the differences between biblatex
and the 'normal' BibTeX.

I can´t find help for my problem in the manual there, do I overread something maybe? I looked thoroughly, but maybe I don´t get the point.

Thank you, best*

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