jezZiFeR wrote:
I found that location, thanks. So I should save my BibDesk-files
there? It seems a little strange for me, as I save them in a documents-
folder generally. Or where should I enter the absolute path?

I´m also confused, because I have a folder "texmf". Is this the
folder, where the BibDeskfile should be saved? In my texmf-folder,
there is no bibtext/bib-folder or so, but 17 others…

You don't need to. The advantage of saving the bib file in the TEXMF tree is that LaTeX can find it without further path information. So if you have a bib file that is used for several books and papers, you simply need to add the
name of the bib file to each of these documents, i.e.

If you need the file only for a single document, you can as well save it in
the document folder.

In this case, however, you need to add the absolute path to the \bibliography
command, i.e.


Thank you. The problem is, that Lyx still produces errors. What could be the problem then?
This is the error-message:

LaTeX Error: File `biblatex.sty' not found.

{<name of BibDesk-file>}^^M
*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

In the latex preamble I entered the following:
\usepackage{bibgerm} % Unterstützung für deutsche BibTeX styles
\usepackage{microtype} %Zuschaltung des Kernings
\bibliography{<name of BibDesk-file>}

for the bibtex-toc-index (bibtex-literaturverzeichnis) I use "plain"- style and database "articles"

Thanks again for your help! Best*

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