Nils Becker wrote:

I was trying to use Skim and LyX 1.5.7 for inverse PDF searching. It
did not work for me. MacOSX 10.5.5.

I did the following:


install mactex 2008

put \usepackage{pdfsync} in the preamble

set the pdf (pdflatex) viewer to open -a

restart lyx

on viewing the PDF file, Skim gets called, fine.

I set lyx as the editor for inverse search in Skim.

Now, option-click or option-shift click is supposed to jump to the
line in the lyx editor, but it doesn't.


I tried explicitly deleting and .lyxpipe.out, which are
in the default location ~/Library/Application Support/Lyx-1.5/ and
then restarting lyx.

I also tried to run lyx -dbg any: no message at all when clicking the
 PDF file in Skim.

Any ideas what goes wrong? is this lyx or skim?

cheers, Nils

This only worked for me when I set the Lyx pipe location to:



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