On 25/10/2008 13:06, Murat Yildizoglu wrote:
In economics and mathematics in France, I have many colleagues who know very well Latex but anly a few of them have ever heard about LyX before I have asked them the question. Even myself, I have been following the development LyX for years, without switching to it (I was using pure LateX and Scientific Word). LyX has really become a powerful platform now, I think it deserves much more publicity.
You are most certainly right for economics and mathematics students. But French engineer school students have a (deserved) reputation of laziness; so the first thing they would do when they are confronted to LateX is to look for a Wysiwig interface to it. The first item in google when you look for 'latex wysiwyg' is of course LyX :-)
I have a small blog where I advise tools around Latex and friends.
That's interesting, do you have a link?
It is mainly used by students. I am waiting the final version of LyX 1.6 to post a presentation of it, since I consider now that it has become the most powerful LaTeX editor, wit a lot of advantages over the competition.
I agree ;-) Abdel.