On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

On the other hand, The Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst,
the current bible for serious typographers, in its list of favorite
typefaces with commentaries, does not even include Times Roman! This is
certainly damnation by omission. As Les points out, Times Roman was
designed as a newspaper typeface, so it would be readable in narrow
columns. This hardly would be expected to produce the best looking face
for normal work. On the other hand, Palatino, for example, was designed by
Herman Zapf, one of the great type designers, and it is available (in LyX
document settings) with small caps, old style numerals, and mathematical
symbols that blend.


  Palatino is my default typeface. Now if it only had the \textservicemark
symbol built in it would be fully complete. :-)

  And I'll second the recommendation for Bringhurst's book. It's worth
reading just to appreciate the subtle differences among the hundreds of
available designs.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.               |  Integrity            Credibility
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