neGODnick wrote:
> Jürgen Spitzmüller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi, Jürgen!
> Now I try:
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> #%  Do  not  delete  the  line  below;  configure  depends  on  this
> # \DeclareLaTeXClass[book,ncclatex.sty]{book (NCC-LaTeX)}

This is wrong. It needs to be

# \DeclareLaTeXClass[ncc,ncclatex.sty]{ncc (NCC-LaTeX)}

given that the class is called ncc.cls and you additionally need to load 
ncclatex.sty; else, book.cls would be loaded instead of ncc.cls.

> LaTeX Error: File `NCC-LaTeX.sty' not found.

try what happens if you delete this:

> Preamble
> \usepackage{NCC-LaTeX}
> EndPreamble

So, in sum, try the following:

#%  Do  not  delete  the  line  below;  configure  depends  on  this
# \DeclareLaTeXClass[ncc,ncclatex.sty]{book (NCC-LaTeX)}
# DescriptionBegin 
# 2006/01/17 v1.10 NCC-LaTeX document class (NCC)
# DescriptionEnd

Format 7

  Other         book

Input book.layout

Note that you might need to click "Use class defaults" in LyX's document 
dialog in order to get "book" to appear in the Extra Options field.

If this doesn't work, please post which classes and style files you'd need to 
load if you'd used LaTeX proper (anything else than ncc.cls and 

> > Make sure ncc is found by kpsewhich (i.e. run "texhash" or update
> the MikTeX
> > database, for that matter) and, after the layout is set up, run
> > Edit->Reconfigure from within LyX.
> I cant translate "kpsewhich" and "texhash" (I'm russian), sorry! Is
> "texhash"
> any .unix term? But I use WindowsXP... So, I cant understand this
> phrase,
> sorry...

It's the script that refreshed the LaTeX filename database. In MikTeX, it's 
probably hidden behind some GUI element ("Refresh filename database" or 
something like that in the MikTeX options, presumably).

> Still I need help...


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