On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 8:38 AM, D. Zorig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I've read KOMA Script manual.  But I couldn't figure out how to customize
>  table caption.
>  Now I understand table caption consists of following four parts.
>  1. Caption label
>  2. Caption number
>  3. Caption delimiter
>  4. Caption text
>  I want to leave figure captions as they are and change table captions to
>  have right aligned Caption label with number but without delimiter and page
>  break then centered caption text.
>  \setcapindent*{xindent} produces page break and indentation.
>  \renewcommand*{\captionformat}{~} gets rid of delimiter which was colon.
>  \setcapwidth[justification]{width} is used to change caption text alignment.
>  But I think it changes figure and table and I have set width each time.
>  Please help me on this.
>  Thank you in advance.
>  --
>  Zorigtkhuu Davaanyam

Maybe someone else will have an answer on a way to alter figure and
table captions separately, but I'm unaware of any way to do this with
default koma-script options except as you're already doing by
specifying the options per table.

I would just use the caption package as it allows for separate options
for figures and tables. Read the caption package documentation for
koma-script related stuff. For me it turned out to be easier to just
use the default article/report/book classes and then use packages to
format things the way I wanted. Since, additional packages don't
conflict with the default classes.


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