Hi all,

I've read KOMA Script manual.  But I couldn't figure out how to customize
table caption.
Now I understand table caption consists of following four parts.
1. Caption label
2. Caption number
3. Caption delimiter
4. Caption text

I want to leave figure captions as they are and change table captions to
have right aligned Caption label with number but without delimiter and page
break then centered caption text.
\setcapindent*{xindent} produces page break and indentation.
\renewcommand*{\captionformat}{~} gets rid of delimiter which was colon.
\setcapwidth[justification]{width} is used to change caption text alignment.
But I think it changes figure and table and I have set width each time.

Please help me on this.
Thank you in advance.

Zorigtkhuu Davaanyam

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