Graham Griffiths schrieb:
2) I have now just updated from MiKTEX 2.5 to MiKTEX 2.7
Have you uninstalled MiKTeX 2.5 COMPLETELY before you installed MiKTeX 2.7?
This is very important.
3) I noticed that the LyX Preferences Path prefix: was
C:\Program Files\LyX151\bin;C:\Program Files\LyX151\python;C:\Program
Files\MiKTeX 2.5\miktex\bin;C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.53\bin;C:\Program
i.e. it refered to LyX 1.5.1 and MiKTEX 2.5 directories.
How did you update your LyX from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3? It seems that the path settings weren't deleted
when LyX 1.5.1 was uninstalled.
I assumed this was wrong and changed the LyX paths to reflect the new LyX and
MiKTEX directories, i.e. to
C:\Program Files\LyX153\bin;C:\Program Files\LyX153\python;C:\Program
Files\MiKTeX 2.7\miktex\bin;C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.53\bin;C:\Program
4) On loading an existing document into LyX I get the following eror message
"The layout file requested by this document, article.layout, is not
Then your MiKTeX installation is broken. To get a clean and working system, I
recommend to
1. uninstall MiKTeX completely (check the uninstaller option "tidy up
2. uninstall ImageMagick
3. uninstall Ghostscript and the Ghostscript fonts
4. reinstall LyX 1.5.4 using the complete version of this installer:
Open an internet connection before starting the LyX installer. The LyX installer installs a complete
LaTeX system, including the latest MiKTeX, all needed LaTeX-packages, recent ImageMagick, and recent
regards Uwe