> I have just used the LyxWinInstallerUpdate, to update 1.5.2, but it
> hasn't updated any of the 3rd programs, like MiKTeX 2.7, that come with
> the full installer. Is that right. Are these only updated as part of the
> full install?

Third-party programs are not updated. In case of MikTeX this is technically not possible. For the other programs there is no urgent need to - there is no security issue that was fixed, the new version only provide new functionality (not used by LyX). In case there is a security issue, I'll anounce this separately. When you want to check out the latest versions of all third-party programs, then the safest way is to uninstall LyX 1.5.2 and then install lyx 1.5.3 using the complete installer variant.


Beside this, was the update to lyX 1.5.3 successful for you?

regards Uwe

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