Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
Daniel Lohmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

As we are already on it :-)

It also would be really nice, if

1) there is an opportunity to specify the *default* display for *new*
inset, preferably even customizable per inset-type.

2) the document-specific state of each inset would no longer be stored
in the document file (fancydoc.lyx),  but in some extra settings file
(such as fancydoc.lyxrc).
(It is kind of annoying to get version control conflicts just because
of the fact the me and my colleagues prefer different ways to display
the insets on screen.)

When people are beginning to ask for a brand new user interface for
such a minuscule feature, something is wrong. What about a tooltip
on the closed button instead?

Excuse me Jean-Marc,

Do you really consider a team-work-feasible document format (in the sense that it can be managed with tools such as svn or cvs) a "minuscule feature" and an indicator for "something is wrong"? I just can't believe that.

Maybe I have not explained myself well enough. I am mainly asking for separation of concerns between the document content and the editor-ui-related data associated with it, which is IMHO a good design principle anyway.

Of course, we can agree on that the other feature request (default display style for new insets) is of minor importance. Clearly enough, manually having to change the display style after inserting a figure or a table float is not too much of a bother -- this happens relatively seldom. Character styles, however, are another story. I use them very extensively, but had to learn that their default display style (with label) is -- for me -- very distracting. It consumes too much space and my eyes always stumble across the labels. So I tend to fold them. Compared to manually changing the display style of floats this is more cumbersome, just because it has to happen very often. This is the reason I am asking for a default setting. And as I like to have floats and ERT boxes displayed as "inline", while character style insets displayed as "folded", I am asking for per--inset-type defaults.

Another thing with the display of character style insets is that they are not stored within the document in 1,4.x. This means that I have to fold them every time I re-open the document, a fact I am actually glad about; otherwise the frequency of svn conflicts would go up significantly, which is the (practical) reason for the request for separating content from ui-data on the file system.

With the hope of having made myself clear this time,


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