Paul A. Rubin schrieb:
mike c wrote:
Hi all (I'm new to this list),
It'd be nice if closed floats showed a little more than just "Float:
or "Float: Table". Is there an option (or the possibility of an
option) to
show the title of the figure or table as well? e.g. "Float: Figure - The
Fabulous Machine"
I agree that this would be a neat feature, provided it was an option
(so that the inset had three levels of display: closed; closed
w/title; open. I wouldn't want closed to always display titles --
some titles can get pretty long.
As we are already on it :-)
It also would be really nice, if
1) there is an opportunity to specify the *default* display for *new*
inset, preferably even customizable per inset-type.
2) the document-specific state of each inset would no longer be stored
in the document file (fancydoc.lyx), but in some extra settings file
(such as fancydoc.lyxrc).
(It is kind of annoying to get version control conflicts just because of
the fact the me and my colleagues prefer different ways to display the
insets on screen.)