amp3030 wrote:
Hi all,
I am trying to configure LyX to write in Persian (Farsi) or Arabic, but I
cannot do that. I have installed lyx on my ubuntu 7.10 system using
Synaptic. I have also installed texlive-lang-arab, texlive-extra-utils and
texlive-xetex packages.
I followed instructions of the official LyX wiki page carefully, but nothing
is gonna working.
When I use Farsi/Arabic (Arabi) as the language, an error message says: You
haven't defined the languafe farsi/arabic yet.
Can anyone help to resolve this?
Thanks in advance,
Could you please provide a more information: specifically, what version
of LyX are you using? What is your default language set to, what is the
language of the current document? And what exactly are you trying to do:
write the entire document in Farsi/Arabic, just insert a word here or
there in an otherwise english document, or what?