Tobias Krause wrote:

if the last line of a ERT is a comment the next line in the normal text is lost. Is there a reason for this behavior - or is this a bug? Even if there is a reason for it I guess there should at least be some kind of a warning...

Is the ERT at the end of a paragraph (i.e., does the next bit of text start a new environment)? If so, the comment should not affect following text; but if you have

  some text [[%comment ]] more text

where [[]] is an ERT box, then "more text" will look to LaTeX like part of the comment, because LyX will (properly) not insert a line break after the ERT box. This would IMHO be proper behavior.

If you need to document mid-line ERT boxes with comments, you might try loading the verbatim package and using \begin{comment}...\end{comment} in the ERT.


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