Hi all,

I'm using LyX 1.4.2 and would prefer NOT to upgrade right now unless someone 
knows for a fact that upgrading will fix this problem.

I'm trying to make a document with lots of Inkscape SVG drawings. Because of 
time considerations and all sorts of other stuff I'd prefer NOT to convert 
them to other formats before importing into LyX. 

When I import an Inkscape drawn .svg file into LyX (using the standard 
Insert->Graphics and then browsing for the .svg), it imports reasonably well. 
However, every text object is raised. Therefore the text overwrites various 
graphics objects. This effect is observed in the LyX environment, in 
pdflatex, regular pdf, dvi and postscript. In other words, it's not an 
artifact, it's really there. Something went wrong when the svg was imported 
into LyX. This does NOT happen when the Inscape is first converted to .pdf 
and then imported as a .pdf, but doing that for a bunch of drawings is a real 

Has anyone experienced this, and does anyone know what's wrong with SVG import 
and how to fix it?



Steve Litt
Books written in LyX:
        Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
        Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting
        Troubleshooting: Just the Facts

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