Hi all,
I would like to learn a bit more of LaTeX. I found surprising that we
couldn't edit latex code directly on LyX at source view... Being used to
web page visual editors, I was expecting that the source viewer would
function like a "code mode" that we could choose as an alternative to
the normal "design mode", as happens with dreamweaver, for instance. I
know that we can edit LaTeX with the ERT command and at the preamble,
but it isn't really the same as a "code mode".
As I'm already used to code web languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP)
using Eclipse I was happy to find about the TeXlipse plugin. But it
seems far less complete than LEd or TeXnic. I would like to know what's
your opinion about the best strategy and tools to learn and work
directly on LaTeX while keep using LyX for text creation. Something like
having dreamweavers' "design mode" and "code mode" at the same time.
-------------------- Roberto Gorjão
freelance designer and web designer
personal site: www.castelosnoar.com