On Wednesday 08 August 2007 21:42:31 Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Do want to be unable to edit the document, or only to be unable to
> overwrite the document?  If the latter, just open it with File -> New
>  From Template.  You can edit, but if you try to save you'll be forced
> to go through a file dialog.

The latter, but for an old (existing) document.  Often I want to just read an 
existing document, but sometimes I can inadvertently push some key or paste 
some text residing on the clipboard.  

I was just wondering if LyX could open these documents as read only from the 
start, avoiding such mishaps.  Of course I could always tinker with the file 
attributes, but I'd like to avoid that too, if possible.

Perhaps, the document's LyX source code could contain some locking command, 
one which would not be exported to LaTeX, for instance...

Rudi Gaelzer
Physics Department
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

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