Francis Dalaudier schrieb:
When I produce a pdf from (a copy of) Help file UserGuide.lyx The BookMarks in pdf document are buggy: 1.1 What is L.25emYX? The error is contained in the temporary file UserGuide.out \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.1.1}{1.1 What is L.25emYX?}{chapter.1} All occurrences of LYX are affected
This is because PDF.bookmarks cannot contain shifted characters like the by 0.25em down-shifted character "y" in "LyX". (1em = width of character "M")
To make this correct, one needs to use the command \texorpdfstring from the hyperref-package. We didn't do this in the Userguide because we tried there to keep the number of required LateX-packages low.
You are not the first one complaining about this, so I'll publish a version of the userguide at later this week where this is fixed.
regards Uwe