So, as far as I can tell, the basic trade-off between Qt 4.2.3
and Qt 4.3.0 is visualizing onscreen italic fonts correctly,
versus ability to copy to Word.
By "Word" I assume you mean some external application, right? Or
is it really Word in particular? (What about Text Edit, or Mail
Actually, copying from Qt 4.2.3 to TextEdit or Mail works fine for
me. It is only copying to Word that does not work. I am able to
copy special characters too (äîôéç).
For me it also affected for instance TextWrangler and Nvu. My *guess*
is that it affects all carbonized (i.e. non-Cocoa) applications.
The problem with this bug for me is that I often write something in
LyX and then gets asked to add pieces of the text into a Word-document.
Anyway, it is very good that you made a QT4.2-version available for
people who doesn't see this (and the speed issue) as a problem and
wants to avoid the italicizing bug.