On 7/24/07, Steve Litt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After having written a piece of a document, there is apparently no way
> of changing the overall language of the document, in the sense that
> the part already written remains as written with the previous
> language, i.e., looking in the LyX file with a text editor, one sees
> \lang "previous language"
> before of each paragraph previously written with the old language.
> I am using LyX 1.5.0rc2 on Fedora Linux 7.
> Do you confirm this as a bug?

I have no idea if it's a bug, but you can use Vim's search and replace to mass
switch all the \lang in front of each paragraph. I regularly use Vim to tweak
LyX native language when the LyX front end can't do the job. This is one of
my favorite things about LyX -- it doesn't require LyX :-)

Thanks, Steve. If it is not a bug, then many users like me -- I guess
-- would be very happy if they were given the option of choosing as
global the change of language, i.e., affecting all paragraphs and not
only the the new ones.


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