Am Dienstag, 3. Juli 2007 22:07 schrieben Sie:
Thanks to Uwe the sidecap question is solved.
For those who encounter the same:

> Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:
> >>> I have still difficulties with the "sidecap"
> >>
> >> Could you send me a small example LyX-file so that I can have a look?
> There were two problems: You set the float option "span columns" although
> you use a one colum document, 

Remark: I tried before without span columns which did not work and thought 
therefore, the legend to the right of the figure needs span column

> and you didn't use a separate paragraph for 
> the float. 
> (The latter does only in special cases makes problem.) 

that seems to be the main point

I appreciate much the help of Uwe.

> Attached your fixed example bei dem ich außerdem das Aussehen im Ausdruck
> mit Hilfe des Pakets "caption" etwas verschönert habe (siehe Präambel).
> Gruß Uwe

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