some more remarks from my use of the svn:

I'm working often with master documents which contain child documents.
(BTW I consider the lyx approach to require indentical preambles and nothing else a very clever idea. With a little bash script it is easy to guarantee this. I had to try some time ago to use master documents in word ,-(( )

* I open the parent document, generate the pdf.
The pdf is generated and kpdf pops up. OK
The included document are opened with separate tags. Fine
Include files which do not exist are ignored.
IIRC in former versions this led to an error message. Feature?
I prefer this behaviour.

* When I'm in a child document which contains some '\section', '\subsection' command I can get back to the main document via the menu:
>>navigate >master document.
When the cild document does NOT contain any structure, the item 'master document' is not shown in the 'navigate' menu. Feature?
I would like to see it nevertheless.

* The 'move paragraph up' and '... down' functionality when working in the text pane is also great. (Clearly I prefer the use of the key combinations alt+up and alt+down ;-)

* It seems that manipulations in the outline pane can be done only using the mouse. I'm very intereseted to see here key combinations for the five buttons in the basis line. In another message I stated already that I also would like to have a possibility to switch the focus from the text pane to the outline pane.

I can open the outline pane using the menu
>>Document >Outline
But in this case the focus remains where it was in the text pane.
And then to do something there I need the mouse anyway :-)

* Another remark of a perfectionist:
When in the germen dialog 'Unterdokument' there are two places with an underlined letter 'D': 'D_atei' and 'D_urchsuchen'. Which prevents opening the browse funtion.

I somebody tells me where to look I'm willing to give these details a look.



Dr. Hellmut Weber         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Degenfeldstraße 2         tel   +49-89-3081172
D-80803 München-Schwabing mobil +49-172-8450321
please: No DOCs, no PPTs. why: tinyurl.com/cbgq

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