Hi Abdel,

* When I'm in a child document which contains some '\section', '\subsection' command I can get back to the main document via the menu:
 >>navigate >master document.
When the cild document does NOT contain any structure, the item 'master document' is not shown in the 'navigate' menu. Feature?
I would like to see it nevertheless.

It works here on my local tree. So if it not fixed on your svn version, it will be as I commit my changes.
I can wait for that ;-)

I'm very intereseted to see here key combinations for the five buttons in the basis line.

Us (the developers) too. We had a lenghty discussion about which shortcut to use but we never reach an agreement. But we should.
Note that you can customize any shortcut you like in your bind file.
I know how to bind something to a key combination.
Where do i find a list of the LFUNS to be used.
I'd like to experiment a bit with possible shortcuts.

In another message I stated already that I also would like to have a possibility to switch the focus from the text pane to the outline pane.

Put an enhancement request on bugzilla please.
Done, Bug #3895

I can open the outline pane using the menu
 >>Document >Outline
But in this case the focus remains where it was in the text pane.
And then to do something there I need the mouse anyway :-)

This is a bug -->> Bugzilla please.
Done, Bug #3894


Dr. Hellmut Weber         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Degenfeldstraße 2         tel   +49-89-3081172
D-80803 München-Schwabing mobil +49-172-8450321
please: No DOCs, no PPTs. why: tinyurl.com/cbgq

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