I recently started to use the Lyx RC1 and I am very impressed. I realy like the new outline TOC feature.But I do have a Problem with Lyx Files I recieve from other People. Aparently Lyx saves Bibtex Bibliographies with an absolute path. That leads to problems when the files are moved ore a users home directory does not exist on other Peoples machines.When I try to open those files, Lyx crashes. Unfortunately there is no other way than tu manually adjust theses Path references with another editor. Once this is done, the file opens without problems.I am not sure what to do with this finding, is it a bug? Does it only affect Mac Users?If it crashes, it is a bug, even a critical one. Please make a bug report for that. Also the paths would be a bug IMO.
I checked it. The behavior is that relative paths are used for subdirectories. Otherwise paths are used relative to the home directory. And moreover it does not crash for me if I delete it.
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