I am asking for experiences and hints from those of you who have introduced LyX to interested people. I have done it several times but am not content with the way I did it so far.
The main task is -as I see it- to 1- make people see the advantages of LaTeX over other prg´s and the advantages of LyX in respect to LaTeX. 2- show them briefly how to work with LyX. Since the help files of LyX are excellent, I would not waste time to go into details, but rather present a few examples (How to write a book/Thesis). 3- would instead make sure that those who decide to try it out, do succeed in installing LyX. I will therefore offer a Knoppix/Debian based life CD with LyX, JabRef bib manager for booting the PC/notebook, and point to sources where the permanent installation is described for the different operating systems and Linux versions. I would appreciate further ideas, infos and hints. Wolfgang