Hello LyXers,
in the last weeks many users had the problem that after installing LyX on Windows, LyX couldn't be
started, only the error message "Missing textclass.lst" is displayed.
There was a bug in MIKTeX so that LyX's configuration script wasn't correctly finished when no
internet connection was opened to install missing LaTeX-packages. This is now fixed in the latest
MiKTeX version 2.5.2580.
You can update your MiKTeX installation using MiKTeX's update manager which is accessible in the
Start menu under Programs -> MiKTeX 2.5.
For new installations the next LyXWinInstaller version has the new MiKTeX version bundled. For
existing installations the installer asks you to update MiKTeX before you start LyX the first time.
Use this option and MiKTeX's update manager will be started by the installer.
For explanation:
LyX needs some LaTeX-packages for some of its features that are not delivered in the basic
installation of MiKTeX. You can use LyX without having these packages installed but then you cannot
use all LyX features.
If you want to have all packages needed by LyX installed, install LyX while you have an open
internet connection or open later an internet connection and reconfigure LyX.
regards Uwe