In a recent message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote.

I can't open *any* of my LyX files (all of them worked with the last Alpha release) all I get is this message: C:/documents and settings/nick hopton/my documents/hrule_test.lyx is from a different version of LyX, but the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it.

Oh shit! Could you please send me this file please?

I'll have a llok what's going wrong. For me it works.

regards Uwe

Don't worry, Uwe, it's Alpha software and I'm pleased to be testing it. Here's a short little file (a letter) below.


Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England

#LyX 1.5.0svn created this file. For more info see
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\author "Nick Hopton" 


\begin_layout My Address
17 The Ridgeway,

\begin_layout Telephone
0118 947 7375

\begin_layout Send To Address
Reading Borough Council,
Traffic Management and Road Safety,
Civic Centre,

RG1 7TD.

\begin_layout Opening
Dear Sirs,

\begin_layout Signature
Nick Hopton.

\begin_layout Standard
I am writing to complain about the lack of provision for pedestrians crossing
 the roads at the junction of the Henley Road, Prospect Street, Westbrook
 Road and Peppard Road.
 This is the junction near to the 
\emph on
Prince of Wales
\emph default
 public house, in Caversham.

\begin_layout Standard
The junction is controlled by traffic lights but these do not allow time
 for pedestrians to cross the roads at the junction in safety.
\emph on
\emph default
 of the crossing-points at the junction pose a serious hazard to pedestrians
 and the one from the Balmore Park steps across the Peppard Road is dangerous
 beyond belief.
 Here the view is very limited and cars travelling up Prospect Street frequently
 speed-up when approaching the lights, often driving through them at high
 speed even though they have turned to red.

\begin_layout Standard
Unless something is done, I am convinced that sooner or later there will
 be a serious and possibly fatal accident at the junction.
 I am not an expert in traffic-management, but I feel that at the very least
 the delay on the lights should be increased to hold the traffic back in
 all directions while pedestrians cross.
 My preferred solution would be the installation of four proper pedestrian-contr
olled crossings.

\begin_layout Closing
Yours faithfully,

\begin_layout cc
 Isobel Ballsdon,
 Andrew Cumpsty,
 Jeanette Skeats,
 Sue Stainthorpe,
 David Stevens,
 Steve Waite.


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