On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Philipp Fleig wrote:

I am not sure whether this forum is the right adress for my question, but
I will give it a try anyway. I have created a number of images using Xfig,
which all have labels/text in them. Unfortunately the text does not come
out very well and I would also like to include some math symbols, which
Xfig cannot do anyway. Therefore I would now like to edit the latex files
of the images, which I exported in Xfig. The only problem is that when I
try to convert the edited latex file in LyX back to a pdf or postscript, I
get lots of errors saying things like 'undefined sequence' ... I guess the
problme is that I am missing some package, but I do not really know which
one. Does anyone know how to fix this? Should say that I am a beginner.


  When you start Xfig, do you do it this way?
xfig -specialtext -latexfonts -startlatexFont default

  Also, if you want ALL of your figures to be started with special text and
latex fonts, you can set the following resources in your
.Xresources or whatever resource file you use:
Fig.latexfonts: true
Fig.specialtext: true

  Then you can use all the LaTeX math commands. I've attached a small .eps
file with a Greek mu in it to show it can be done.

  Look at the Xfig (from the Help menu) for more information on LaTeX and


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.               |    The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.        |          Accelerator(TM)
<http://www.appl-ecosys.com>     Voice: 503-667-4517      Fax: 503-667-8863

Attachment: risk_factor.eps
Description: PostScript document

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