Philipp Fleig wrote:

> Hello Georg,
> I am sorry for the very late reply, but I was away for the last few
> days!
> The file Test.lyx which I had sent to you was correct and also read
> the file TestFig.fig, but for some reason LyX seems to change the
> name of the file from TestFig.fig to LyX when I include it via
> External Material.

Not here.

> This can be fixed though, by saving Test.lyx 
> before including TestFig.fig.

I don't understand.

> Still when I do this and then run pdflatex, I get the error, "empty
> output file was created" again. Also a message pops up saying
> somthing like
> "Latex Eror: File
> 'o_Users_philippfleig_Documents_LyX_Documents_Lab_Figures_TestFig.pdftex
> _t"
> and "(cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)"
> Sorry for bothering you over such a long period of time with this
> problem, but whatever I do it just does not work.

Sorry, but I don't understand what is going wrong here. For me it simply
works. If you look into the temporary directory that LyX creates
(/tmp/lyx_tmpdir...../lyx_tmpbuf0/), wht do you find there? There should be
a file
0_Users_philippfleig_Documents_LyX_Documents_Lab_Figures_TestFig.fig and

Do they exist? What does the LaTeX log file contain?


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