>>From: Wolfgang Engelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
>>Subject: LYX with pstex under linux
>>Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 13:51:45 +0100
>>Am Donnerstag, 9. November 2006 11:03 schrieb Georg Baum:
>>> Jens Nellesen wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > in order to test lyx I imported a tex-file including an input-statement
>>> > for a pstex_t/pstex-file which I exported from xfig.
>>> >
>>Could somebody kindly point out how the steps are to export from fig to latex 
>>xfig export menu > language > combined PS/LaTeX (both parts)?
>>is now the x.pstex file put into the figure float of lyx (there seems to be 
>>difference to me in the text appearance of the figure-whereas I expected the 
>>text to be now in the size and kind of the document text)
>or the x.pstex_t  file (but I get an error in converting into the correct 
>format, and no figure 
>>is shown). The latter method is suggested by the part ^^^^^^^
>>from the xfig help menu shown below:
>>The .pstex_t file automatically calls the .pstex file and you do not need to 
>>include it explicitely in your tex file (users of the previous version please 
>>take note of this.) To include your figure just use something similar to 
>>\caption{Your figure}
>>N.B. You might want to edit the .pstex_t files created by xfig. When it 
>>to the other file (.pstex) it automatically gives the path specification to 
>>the .pstex file. This can be an inconvenience if you move your files to 
>>another directory because your latex processing will fail. I personally 
>>prefer to remove the full path specification and only keep the filename.
>>I am using xfig 3.2 patch 4

The xfig help is correct, you must \input the pstex_t file, but you need to
mark all text tags in the xfig figure as "special" to get them into the pstex_t 
What error do you get exactly ?

Anyway, LyX provides a specific mechanism for Xfig figures with 
Insert->File->External Material.
The python scripts manage the export from xfig in such a way that export is 
both with DVI abd pdflatexf, so you just have to leave the Xfig figure as is, 
without export, and
tune the layout parameters in the LyX popup instead of fixing them from inside 
Great feature !


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