Jens Nellesen wrote:

> Hi,
> in order to test lyx I imported a tex-file including an input-statement
> for a pstex_t/pstex-file which I exported from xfig.
> If I try to generate a dvi-file the following error messages occur:
> a)
> Illegal parameter number in definition of \SetFigFont
> ...   You meant to type ## instead of #, right?
> Or maybe a } was forgotton somewhere earlier, and things are all      screwed
> up ? I'm going to assume that you meant ##.
> b)
> Use of \SetFigFont doesn't match its definition
> ...
> c)
> Extra }, or forgotton \endgroup
> ...
> With Latex everything works fine.
> I experience these errors both under Windows and Cygwin.
> Does anyone know what's going on here?

Probably something went wrong during import. You should not do that with
pstex_t files. You should rather include the xfig file using
Insert->File->External Material. That will enable you to edit the xfig file
from within LyX, and LyX will automatically generate the pstex_t file for
you when it is necessary. It will also apply some magic to the xfig file if
it references a background image.


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