Jüergen Spitzmueller wrote:
TechTonics quoted Michael Hartje:
"I would recommend for mavrosym.sty to change "Telefon" to "Telefone"!
JG: Don't do this, this might break other packages that use marvosym.
Rather get a recent version of g-brief.cls, where the bug is fixed
(according to the g-brief manual).
Stefan previously scrieb:
I tried an uninstall of Lyx 1.4.2 and reinstalled 1.4.1 (with 1.4.1
it used to work). But then it wouldn't even work in 1.4.1.! Now I
have 1.4.2 up and running but the error persists!
Is this error reproducible by anyone? What causes the error? If it
is not reproducible, what am I doing wrong with my lyx installation?
Please help me. I have lots of old documents using this class. Also
I like the layout more than the g-brief2 class.(and continued later)
I have two more questions though:
1) How would I figure out that the error comes from marvosym.sty,
as it is not mentioned in the error message?
2) Will this problem be resolved with future versions of miktex
or lyx?
1) = SH: So the usual recommendation of upgrading to the newest
release of a module and reading the documentation seems to prevail.
I'm still not sure why the behavior changed (different computers?).
Peer review of Michael Hartje's proposed solution in
"Telefon double definition in g-brief and mavrosym"
demonstrates the strength of researching the LyX User
mailing list and archives.
2) Jürgen indicates this was a Miktex package problem.
(no English translation) g-brief.dvi : 8 Einschrankungen und Bugs
"Bei Verswendüng des g-briefs zusammen mit dem Paket marvosym.sty
von Martin Vogel (martin\period\vogel\at\fh-bochem.de) wird die
Definition des Symbols \Telefon im Paket marvosym.sty aufgehboben,
da g-brief Definition zur Angabe Ihrer Telefonnummer verwendet."
I'm learning to read German ;-) for Hilbert's and my sake.
/mot juste/
Stephen in cyberdiction mode