I'd like the complete package of the MikTex 2.5 to be installed. Is there
such an installer on Windows?

If not, I may have to install the complete package separately.

How do I make the paths in LyX pointed to the new MikTex 2.5 non-default
paths easily?

When I "new from template" in LyX 1.4.2, it always says missing some class,
etc. I believe this is because the LyX does not automatically recognize the
paths of non-default MikTex 2.5 paths.

On 8/13/06, Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Michael schrieb:

> I first installed the LyX 1.4.2 bundle with all its components including
> the
> MikTex. It installed into all default directories.
> Now I am going to install another Latex bundle which includes a complete
> package of MikTex and the WinEdt software.
> ...
> I am worried about the existence of two MikTex in my system...

The official LyXWin 1.4.2 installer comes with a basic installation of
MiKTeX 2.4 that only contains absolutely needed packages. Missing
packages are installed automatically on the fly via the internet if the
are needed.

I don't know what version of MiKTeX you've installed when you installed

To assure that you only have one most recent MiKTeX installed I
recommend to uninstall both MiKTeX-versions and the new MiKTeX 2.5 using
this installer:


This is a basic-version.

Btw.: Why do yo need WinEdt when you have LyX?

Btw. 2: There is a LyXWin installer that comes with MiKTeX 2.5 and LyX


regards Uwe

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