Hello LyXers,

shortly after the release of version 2.5 of my LyX/LaTeX-Installer
LyXWinInstaller, I have to publish the bugfix release 2.51.

It can be downloaded frome here:


the sourcecode from here:


An overview about the installer can be found at:



Version 2.51

- (fix) added missing python files
- updated to MiKTeX 2.5 (version 2412)
- new shortcut "C-h" available to create formulas that are automatically
- the directory ~\Resources\doc contains a version of the german math

Known problems:

- All toolbar buttons are disabled after you opened a dialog;
  they are reactivated when you click in the text (see LyX's bug #2423)
- The executable "lyx.exe" has no LyX icon (see LyX's bug #2708)
- Menu Document -> LaTeX-protocol is broken (see LyX's bug #2687)
- First configuration of LyX may take several munites without informing
  the user why LyX is not starting


The installer comes with an updated version of MiKTeX 2.5 that fixes some problems with the LaTeX-packages "tex4ht" (needed for HTML
export of LyX files), "koma-skript" (a LaTeX document class file
bundle), and some MiKTeX configuration issues.

You should update your MiKTeX 2.5 installation, either by reinstalling
LyX using this installer version or by updating MikTeX using its Update
To update from MiKTeX 2.4 to 2.5 you can also use MikteX's Update Manager.

To attenuate the inconvenience of updating I built in two new features:
The shortcut "C-h" creates an automatically numbered formula, a feature
request I often got the last time.
The docs contains version 3.05 of my german LyX math manual with the
name "de_LyXMathebefehle.lyx".


Sorry again for the needed bugfixes.

best regards Uwe

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