Dear all,

Thank you for the answers to everybody.
I don't want to start an avalanche. :)

Thanks for the HW examples, and also for the suggestions.

I think that everyone can study further how to use LyX. (Including me)
As I read and translate the tutorial, I find it more friendly to write
longer works with it. I had completed my last thesis in Word, but
I had some challanges with it. Now, I would start it with LyX.


Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 5. Juli 2006 15:56 schrieb Steve Litt:
>> On Wednesday 05 July 2006 03:15 am, Micha Feigin wrote:
>>> You would need a smartly compile linux, keep X small in terms of
>>> modules and run a light window manager (like mentioned,
>>> fluxbox/windowmaker will work, probably fvwm also, for the
>>> extremist there is also ratpoison and  a few others). A pentium
>>> should work also. I already ran it on a pentium II laptop that
>>> could hardly support win98.
>> Don't forget IceWM. It's not only light, but it's good. I use it on
>> my Athlon 2600XP with 1.5GB Ram, even though I could run the
>> bloatiest KDE on it.
> Luckily, KDE is anything but bloat. KDE provides a lot of functionality 
> and that's why a lot of services are started when you run KDE. But none 
> of those services is a memory hog nor do they use a lot of CPU power. 
> It is not in the least surprising that a window manager is way more 
> lean than KDE because KDE is not a window manager but a full-blown 
> desktop which includes a window manager as one of many components.
> Now for something on topic: I wrote my diploma thesis in 1998 with LyX 
> 0.10 or 0.12 on a Pentium 90 with 48 MB (IIRC). I'm not sure how 
> relevant this information is because we are now at LyX 1.4.
> Regards,
> Ingo

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