On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, Steve Litt wrote:

By the way, what I did for indexing on "Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist" was to run the LyX file through a shellscript that split it into individual words and performed a unique sort. I came up with less than 1000 words. I then looked at every word, decided whether it, or a phrase including it, deserved a place in the index, weeding out all the extraneous words. Now armed with a list of words, within LyX I searched for all occurrences of each word and tagged them. If memory serves me, it took about 2 days to index this book of over 100,000 words, and the resulting index was complete and easy to use.

This sounds quite effective. I know wiki isn't your style, but maybe we could together describe how to do this so that others can also use it? Primarily I'm thinking of creating a simple example set with a .lyx-file, shell script and expected output.

What do you think?


PS. As an aside, I did something similar with all formulas in my thesis in order to ensure I had a consistent notation. This was actually also very useful when creating the list of symbols.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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